Thursday, January 20, 2011

Unimaginable Loss

Well apparently I'm having a pretty hard time getting this whole blog thing going. I wonder if anyone else had this problem in the beginning?!?! It seems like life starts getting in the way whenever I decide to start something new. Same thing happened last year when I started on my weightloss journey, but thankfully I managed to overcome it all and get off 90lbs (now if I could just get my mojo back and drop that last 40!!!).

This time it's something unimaginable that's gotten in the way. On Tuesday, one of my closest friends since high school was cooking dinner when her son came into the kitchen and said, "Mom, Hailey's not moving." Hailey is her gorgeous, sweet, precious 3 year old daughter. She ran into Hailey's room to find her lying on the floor completely blue. She picked her up and ran to a neighbors house where the paramedics came, but sadly after 2 hours of working on her, Hailey passed away. I cannot even begin to imagine the pain my beautiful friend is going through...and quite frankly I don't want to imagine it. They are still awaiting autopsy results to discover what happened to poor little Hailey. The visitation is Friday and funeral on Saturday. I'm just sick and heartbroken for this poor family and even though I know you don't know them, if you happen to be reading this, please say a prayer for their family. We know Hailey is fine and happy and pain-free in heaven with God, but her family is devastated and could use as many prayers on their behalf as possible.

So that's where I'm at on my latest journey. At a standstill. Once things calm down though, I'm hitting this thing full steam ahead.

Rest in peace, sweet Hailey girl.


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